Drypoint Printing & Badge-making

In yesterday's morning workshop, we made drypoint prints. Drypoint printing is a type of intaglio print where the surface of a printing plate is indented by a sharp instrument. Ink is then added to cover the plate, then removed leaving only the ink in the indents. 

This session, I created a drypoint print of a parrot drawing I'd previously created. I made it colourful by spot-applying different ink colours, and added an element of chine-colle. I didn't fully clear the background, creating a nice tie-dye effect.

The process of indentation is fairly easy, and it gave me the opportunity to create an image using only line, the opposite to how I normally work, and I liked the result. 

In the afternoon, we got the opportunity to craft badges. I used a character I designed for another module, Mr Thomas Tomato. I began by copying and pasting images of Thomas to a template in Photoshop, creating a sort-of tomato army.

I then used a badge-maker to turn it into badges. The process has multiple steps that are easy to muddle up, but once you get the hang of it, it is fairly straightforward. I really enjoyed the activity, and would love to design and make more badges in the future - maybe I could create a series of vegetable friends for Thomas :)
