Collaging & Brooch-designing

Today we began with a workshop on collage. 

I created a variety of rubbings with graphite & coloured pencils of various things I could find - leaves, wallpaper, furniture etc. I also experimented with using pastels to create textured backgrounds and shapes.

Afterwards, I attempted to create collages out of my experiments, focusing on shape and colour. I began by cutting them up and layering them as you would traditionally, but then I decided to scan them in and edit them digitally. This allowed me to edit the vibrancy of the colours, repeat elements, and add extra detail, allowing for a more polished look. The experiments I created can also be used in future projects.

Although I enjoyed the experimenting, I found it difficult at the end to imagine my experiments as a resolved piece, possibly as it's not how I usually work. The pastels also created quite a mess! I did, however, enjoy the textures my rubbings created.

In the afternoon, we learned about brooch designing. Making brooches, as well as keyrings, pins, and stickers amongst others, is a good way to get your work 'out there' as people are generally more likely to buy an item with an obvious purpose than a print.

After creating our own designs, we learnt where and how we could get them printed to sell in the future. I created a lemon design in reference to all the citrus fruit I painted back in A-Level coursework, although I'm not sure how much of a market there is for it 😂. I definitely want to get it made physically, as well as creating more brooch designs to sell.
